At home I use the NeilMed Sinsus Rinse system and it works well. I am going to be traveling on an international trip for about 2 weeks. I may not have

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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At home I use the NeilMed Sinsus Rinse system and it works well. I am going to be traveling on an international trip for about 2 weeks. I may not have access to micowaves and distilled water on a regular basis. Is there a NeilMed product I could take on this trip that would provide the sinus rinse I need - but would be small - light and portable.

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Jan 01, 2019

You can take NeilMed all in one and is at present available at CVS and RiteAid and will become available at Walgreens from August. You can also buy it online.You can also take Nasadrops which are OK to be hand carried as each vial is only 15 ml. All these items will help you. You should still carry the bottle and few packets and find a good quality bottled water and you can still do the rinse.

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