I cant find anywhere on the internet – where the water goes when you use the neti pot. Obviously it goes in one nostril and out the other…but does

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Water Quality and Warnings
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I cant find anywhere on the internet - where the water goes when you use the neti pot. Obviously it goes in one nostril and out the other...but does it go into any of the nasal cavities? And which ones? I cant clean out the back of my nose throat nasal cavity. (Not sure what its called). So - I know there are 4 sets of nasal cavities..how m

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Jan 01, 2019

All these questions are described in the brochure in full details and you will have to take some time to study this. It is online and also in each and every product packaging. You can click or copy and paste this link in your browser.http://www.neilmed.com/pdf/brochure_usa.pdf

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