I developed something in the military my nose began to fill up with crust – so packed I could barely remove it and when I did i came back 10 minutes l
I developed something in the military my nose began to fill up with crust - so packed I could barely remove it and when I did i came back 10 minutes later - now my nose is always dry year round producing thick green boogers - it never stops - its year round - any idea what I have
I am giving this opinion without examining or talking to you. It seems that you have developed very dry nose and could also be similar to chronic rhino sinusitis. Also, there are some medical conditions that can lead to this. I suggest that you see an ENT doctor. In addition, please try our sinus rinse and Naspgel for dry noses. You have returned from the military and we support our soldiers and we will her happy to supply you with samples at no cost to you. Please call or write to us. I am sorry for the delayed answer.