I have had congestion and sinus symptoms for almost 4 weeks now. I am 5 months pregnant so I do not want to take too many allergy medication . Can I d

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Jan 01, 2019 12:24 AM 1 Answers Sinus, Chronic Sinusitis, Chronic Rhinosinusitis or CRS
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have had congestion and sinus symptoms for almost 4 weeks now. I am 5 months pregnant so I do not want to take too many allergy medication . Can I do Neil Med more than 2 times a day with a 16 Oz bottle?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I am so sorry for this missed answer. How is the baby now ? NeilMed Saline solutions are pregnancy safe and there is no need to worry about any side effects on the baby. One can use NeilMed up to 6 times a day.

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