Can allergies – nasal and eye – cause under eye and upper cheekbone inflammation and fluid retention?

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Jan 01, 2019 12:19 AM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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Can allergies - nasal and eye - cause under eye and upper cheekbone inflammation and fluid retention?

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Jan 01, 2019

Yes. You have four pairs of sinuses, which are air pockets within the bones of your face. They are located above, below and to the outside of your eyes and to the side of your nose. Some amount of mucus production from the nasal and sinus lining is normal. Allergies and infections will cause excessive mucus production. When this happens, the sinuses are blocked, mucus is trapped inside, and you can experience the symptoms you are describing. Routine sinus rinsing can flush away the allergens and bacteria in your nasal passages and keep the mucosa (mucus membrane)healthy. Normal mucosa will fight infections and allergies better and symptoms will be reduced or even cured.

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