Can I boil extra water and keep them in a bottle. When I need to rinse – use this water and warm it in the microwave? Can I rinse any time during the

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Jan 01, 2019 12:14 AM 1 Answers Babies & Kids
Member Since Feb 2020
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Can I boil extra water and keep them in a bottle. When I need to rinse - use this water and warm it in the microwave? Can I rinse any time during the day or only at night 1 hour before I sleep? Tks

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

We usually recommend keeping boiled water for up to three days for reuse. You can rinse any time of day. We suggest not rinsing an hour before you go out or before bedtime to avoid the occasional, accidental drainage of the small amount of solution that may have pooled in your sinuses.

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