Is it safe to mix my own Sinus Rinse packets? What part non-iodized salt to what part baking soda would I use?

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Jan 01, 2019 12:24 AM 1 Answers Babies & Kids
Member Since Feb 2020
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Is it safe to mix my own Sinus Rinse packets? What part non-iodized salt to what part baking soda would I use?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

We recommend using our premixed Sinus Rinse saline packets because it is the only way we can assure you will be using natural ingredients that are USP Grade (99.9% pure). The mixture is pH balanced and drug free so the solution should not burn or sting. Homemade solutions may have incorrect concentrations of sodium chloride (salt), leading to inadequate relief or, at worst, swelling of your nasal lining that results in nasal congestion.

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