Hi Dr. Mehta – I used my Neti Pot preventively yesterday and ended up with horrible sinus pain a suspected sinus infection. I did everything as per th

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
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Hi Dr. Mehta - I used my Neti Pot preventively yesterday and ended up with horrible sinus pain a suspected sinus infection. I did everything as per the NeilMed instructions. Should I use my Neti Pot again to attempt to clear the infection? Thanks.

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Jan 01, 2019

The most likely cause of the burning is that you did not mix the solution completely and created an uneven mixture. Too much or little salt can cause pain. Please make sure you use the specified amount of warm water for the packet. It is safe to continue rinsing, even with a sinus infection, as long as you do not have a blocked nasal passage. It may in fact alleviate your symptoms. However, if you do experience more pain, please contact our office tool free for further advice.

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