Hello – I tried the Neti pot last night and when I tried the left nostril I could not get the solution to flow through. The right worked fine. Now I f

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Allergy, Cold & Flu
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hello - I tried the Neti pot last night and when I tried the left nostril I could not get the solution to flow through. The right worked fine. Now I feel pressure and itching in my ear and discomfort in my left nostril. What could be wrong?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please make sure you follow the instructions that came with your neti pot and take the proper head position during irrigation for the saline solution to flow effectively. You should be tilting your head to the side. The tip of your nose should be aiming for center of sink. Your forehead should be horizontal to the countertop surface.

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