Dear Dr. Mehta Ecomed Medical cc is a company who provides oxygen therapy to patients. Our patients complain about dry and irritated noses all the tim

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
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Dear Dr. Mehta Ecomed Medical cc is a company who provides oxygen therapy to patients. Our patients complain about dry and irritated noses all the time. We would like to help them. How can I get hold of your product in South Africa? Cost? Samples? Regards Barbara Jansen

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Jan 01, 2019

NeilMed NasoGel Spray is considered one of the best products available for dry noses caused by oxygen or CPAP use. However, we do not currently have a distributor in South Africa. Private patients can order these products online or through our telephone customer service (see office locations on our website), but there will be a $49.95 US FedEx international shipping charge. This might be affordable if one person orders multiple items and splits the cost with other patients. Unfortunately we do not have a sample program available for companies in your country at this time.

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